Welcome to the Quarantine Playable Demo Change to the directory into which the demo was installed, then run the install program by typing INSTALL [enter] The install program will help you set up your keyboard/Thrustmaster steering wheel and sound device. To run the game type QDEMO [enter] Sound: At this time only DMA 1, 220 address, is supported, however the IRQ can be changed. Quick Keyboard Reference: Steering - Right and left arrow keys Accelerate - Up arrow key Brake / Reverse - Down arrow key Spacebar - Hood Guns M - Map Esc - Exit to Main Menu ALT - Select Weapon CNTRL - Fire Weapon ENTER - Horn J - Jump N - Nitro Boost (Argon Cells) Q - Normal resolution W - Low resolution(Faster screen updates) F1 - Look Left F2 - Look Ahead F3 - Look Right F10 - "Curse key" How to play: The object of Quarantine is to escape Kemo, a prison city. Kemo contains five separate areas surrounded by impenetrable walls. Kemo's areas include : Downtown Core- A shopping mall, highway, glass, steel and concrete. * The Park - An open air park with canals, zoo of horrors, and scenic canyon just to name a few highlights. Old Kemo - Old markets, Classy residential areas, commercial districts and hospitals surround these tight and twisty roads. Projects - Burning housing projects, a football stadium, and a power plant are a few attractions in this shell-shocked warzone. The Wharf - Perpetually raining, the wharf contains a harbor, rail yard and possible escape... ***************************************************** * Only the Downtown Core is available in this demo. * ***************************************************** The Object: You are Drake Edgewater, a cab driver driving a hovercab armed only with headlight-mounted machine-guns. To escape from Quarantine you must arm your vehicle with weapons, discover secret entrances and travel in the underground from area to area. To earn money, you can pick up and deliver passengers. !**** NOTE: In this demo all missions and plot advancement has been removed! You can only pickup and drop off passengers and purchase weapons. In the full game you will learn the complete story, and take on special missions to advance in the game. How to Play: Picking up passengers. To pick up a passenger, drive around wherever you like. If you see a passenger waving at you, stop next to him or her. You will be shown a map of the Downtown Core. The yellow arrow represents your current location in the city and a line indicates where to passenger would like to go. The estimated time of travel will be indicated in the lower left corner. You will only get paid if you can deliver the passenger ON TIME! You can accept or reject the fare by typing 'Y' or 'N' Delivering a passenger. In the cab view, a wayfinder in the lower right of the dashboard will indicate the distance and direction of your destination. When the arrow is pointing up, you are headed in the right direction. A compass above your windshield will also help you navigate. You'll still have to do some of your own navigating, so if you get lost check the map by typing 'M'. A meter on the left side of the dashboard displays how much time is left and how much money you have in total. When you reach the passenger's destination the wayfinder arrow will spin and the distance meter will display zero kilometers. To drop the passenger off, you must stop completely on the exact destination. The passenger will proceed to leave the cab and pay your fee. If you were late, the passenger will pay you a reduced amount or possibly nothing, so try to be prompt! Navigating the Downtown Core: Typing 'M' will bring up a map of Kemo. If you are without a passenger you can set your wayfinder to any of a number of service and weapon bays. Move the cursor to your desired destination with the 'arrow keys' then hit the spacebar. The wayfinder will now be set to the service or weapon bay of your choice. The wayfinder arrow works the same way it does when you have a passenger. Kemo security has set up perimeter defenses around the outside walls of each area. It is not advisable to use them as regular routes. Driving: You will be driving a modified 1952 Checker equipped with 'hovercoils'. Under the roads are superconductive cables providing the 'lift' which all of Kemo's vehicles require. For travel off the 'power grid', batteries may be purchased. Downtown Core has so few areas without a powergrid that batteries will not be needed in this demo. Use the arrow keys to steer, accelerate and brake. You can look out the side windows using the 'F1' or 'F3' keys and 'F2' to look straight ahead. Arming yourself: Kemo (being a prison city affected by a mind altering corporate drug experiment) is prone to a lot of violence. Someone may get in your way so you must be equipped to deal with it. The game starts with hood guns and 250 bullets. Of course you probably crave MORE firepower! In the weapon bays you can find a variety of weapons and ammo to suit your cab driving needs. Use the arrow keys and spacebar to navigate the menus. All weapons come fully loaded with the maximum capacity of ammo. If you buy another weapon of the same class, (Roof mounted, right fender, missile launcher or mine rack) you will be refunded for the existing weapon. Combat: You can fire your hood guns by using the spacebar (top button on a Thrustmaster Steering Wheel). The bullet count is right above your steering wheel. The display on the top of the screen displays the other weapons (if you have purchased some). You can switch between weapons using the 'ALT' key. The remaining ammo is also displayed. To fire the selected weapon use the 'CNTRL' key (lower button on the Thrustmaster Steering Wheel). Gates: You may notice steel gates blocking the road from time to time. The gates are controlled by Kemo Security. The only way to get through them is by taking a passenger through whose destination is on the inside of the area. W key: If you have a slower machine we have incorporated a low res mode. Pressing the 'W' key will activate this mode enabling much higher screen refreshes. Press 'Q' to return to normal resolution. Requirements: 386/33, 486/33 recomended MSDOS 4 megs of RAM 640K Conventional Memory Sound Blaster (optional) Thrustmaster steering wheel (optional) Joystick not implemented for DEMO! -If there are problems running this demo on a 4 meg machine, try to disable smartdrv to allow for the required 4 megs. Also disabling any memory managers would be helpfull. Another option is to create a minimum boot disk. The Story: 2022 Kemo City is the jewel of the West and the hovercar capital of the world. A prosperous city on the east coast of the United States. Like any metropolis, Kemo City has a growing crime problem. The inner ghetto area of Kemo is perceived to be a money pit where any law enforcement would be both futile and frivolous. The solution is to make the old "inner Kemo" a demilitarized zone. 2026 Kemo City's crime problem reaches epidemic proportions. The economy in the "inner Kemo" slows to a near halt. Crime and black market trading are the only sources of income for inner Kemo's impoverished inhabitants. The new markets and commercial districts form a ring around "inner Kemo", but citizens are still stalked by the cesspool of criminal activity in the deadly ghetto. 2029 Ray Larabie is elected as mayor of New Kemo. One of Ray's campaign promises is to build a wall around inner Kemo and eliminate the crime problem; the project is simply codenamed "Q". The wall will contain a park, market, housing project, office core, and industrial coastal area. 2030 A ring of properties are purchased by the government around inner Kemo at very reasonable prices. An armed citizen's task force assembles in opposition to project "Q". Unmanned and well armored construction vehicles begin construction of a 5 meter thick, 10 meter high wall composed of plasticized concrete and steel. Inhabitants of inner Kemo are told that the wall is merely a sound baffle and gates will allow passage to New Kemo. Within Kemo, the city is being sectioned off into five sections: Downtown Core, Old Kemo, Kemo Park, the Projects and the Wharf. 2031 The wall around inner Kemo nears completion. A few of inner Kemo's inhabitants leave, but most return after finding no work opportunities in New Kemo. Only one route leads in and out of the city, and a military presence is established at the lone exit. 2032 After an armed standoff, Kemo is completely sealed off. The only possible exit is the coastline, which is sealed off by an armada of battleships and gunboats. Any material entering of leaving Kemo must go through Kemo Security. Wanderers and criminals outside project "Q" are hunted down and returned by airship to their rightful place. Outside walls are strewn with mines and turrets. The prison city of Quarantine is officially opened 2035 After three years of tribal gang wars, a citizen's committee is established to restore support systems such as electric power, proper food distribution, water filtration and activation of the old street power grids which support the thousands of unused hover vehicles which lay useless in the streets. The gang kingpins take notice and openly support and protect the committee to have some of the comforts they are otherwise unable to acquire (including driving cool cars!). 2046 The quarantined Kemo city is doing fairly well, but unfortunately due to the influx of new inmates, overcrowding is becoming a problem. New Kemo's OmniCorp raises public interest in the neurodrug "Hydergine 344" reported to eliminate "criminal thoughts" in patients. 2047 Hydergine 344 is introduced to Quarantine's water supply. The water supply has an abnormally high bacterial and viral content which reacts with Hydergine 344 forming a pychoreactive virus. The virus causes synaptic breakdown, the main symptoms being violent psychopathic tendencies. About half of the prisoners have become crazed violent killer lunatics intent on killing anyone who is not a crazed violent killer lunatic. 2048 The virus is spreading. Credits: Producer: Gametek Rod Humble The Imagexcel Team: Greg Bick Andy Brownbill Kevin Hoare Ray Larabie Ed Zolnieryk Copyright(c) 1994 Gametek/Imagexcel all rights reserved.